Research on the relationship of the digit ratio and the throwing ability of throwing athlete in sports undergraduate college
Jia Jia
The analysis of digit ratio data of throwing athlete in sports undergraduate colleges, revealing the connection between the digit ratio and throwing ability, and presents reasonable and effective theoretical basis for throwing athletes. Under the premise of informed consent, randomly selected healthy throwing athlete in sports undergraduate colleges from 17 to 25 years old (shot put discus throwers, etc.) as the research object, while excluding the objects with injury of finger, hand deformity, endocrine and metabolic diseases and its history. The number of throwing athlete under the above requirements is 200 male and 200 female. The relation of throwing ability and digit ratio can be found out under the analysis of digit ratio data. The digit ratio is related to hormones and genes. 2D: 4D is negatively related to male hormone level. Digit ratio is related to gender, race, and throwing ability usually is heritable, which with reveal gender differences. Overall that man is better than woman. The digit ratio is related to throwing ability, the correlation of man is significantly than woman, right than left. The digit ratio of throwing athlete in sports undergraduate college have a certain relationship with throwing ability, which can provide valuable reference for the throwing athlete.