
A model for predicting the damage by the pulse beetle (callosobruchus chinensis L.) To black gram and green gram seeds in storage due to the field carry-over infestation

P.Pretheep Kumar, S.Mohan, K.Ramaraju

Data on the percentage of damaged black gram(Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper var. Co-5) and green gram (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek var. Co-5) seeds during different periods of storage from harvest were used to develop prediction models for pulse beetle damage in stores due to field carry-over infestation. The pulse beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis L. which infests both black gram and green gram in the field, is brought into storage after harvest. The model was found to predict the extent of damage by the pulse beetle in stores due to field infestation under tropical conditions, and was in good agreement with laboratory data for both black and green gram. The model warns of potential infestations in storage, and stresses the importance of regular monitoring of the stored pulses and proper management measures.

ఇండెక్స్ చేయబడింది

  • CASS
  • గూగుల్ స్కాలర్
  • J గేట్ తెరవండి
  • చైనా నేషనల్ నాలెడ్జ్ ఇన్‌ఫ్రాస్ట్రక్చర్ (CNKI)
  • CiteFactor
  • కాస్మోస్ IF
  • మియార్
  • రహస్య శోధన ఇంజిన్ ల్యాబ్‌లు
  • యూరో పబ్
  • యూనివర్శిటీ డి బార్సిలోనా

మరిన్ని చూడండి

జర్నల్ హెచ్-ఇండెక్స్
